A passionate Collaborator and Promoter of the Art of Rug Hooking, Colourist, Fibre Artist, and Teacher (St. Lawrence College 2014; and OHCG 2006), Pam's love for the art of rug hooking was kindled at her grandmother's knee. Upon retirement in 2001, she joined the Ottawa Olde Forge Rug Hooking Branch and the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild (OHCG). 

Over the years a multitude of teachers, friends, colleagues, students, and family members have had a significant impact on Pam's artwork and the courses she teaches. She is grateful to this community who continually inspire her to learn, grow, and express herself. Given that influence, Pam has been been honoured to judge at OHCG Annual Conferences, and to have her work appear in local, provincial and international publications. Pam treasures her ongoing role as teacher at rug hooking schools in Ontario. 

From 3D to primitive, in wide to fine cut, and in a variety of materials and textures, all of Pam's hooked pieces are close to her heart. Each piece embraces the connections she has with her family, her heritage, and/or her interests. Each piece enables Pam to express her love of design and colour, and to feel the age-old rhythm of hook-in-hand.


Please touch base with Pam if you are interested in her upcoming Course, in purchasing her designs, in discussing collaborative or promotional opportunities, or in sharing ideas or links.